The long road from one-size-fits-all SME promotion to bespoke business start-ups

Marques, Carla Susana Da Encarnação
Leal, Carmem Teresa Pereira
Marques, Carlos Peixeira
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This paper aims to evaluate the contribution to local and regional development of the EDP Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award as applied in the Tua Valley in North Interior Portugal. Data was collected using a semi-structured interview schedule and applied to young people enrolled in the programme – both those who went on to set up their own businesses, as well as those who decided not to operationalise their business plan; moreover, a questionnaire was also filled in by those municipal staff most closely involved in the programme. The results show that the implementation of the programme in Tua Valley provided greater awareness of entrepreneurship potential to both young people and municipal staff, which in turn facilitated the emergence of new companies, constituting a significant process of entrepreneurship and innovation in this peripherical territory. However a constant evaluation and readjustment of the program is necessary, taking into account the different actors involved in regional development network so that the program stimulate bespoke business start-ups
Regional and local development networks , youth entrepreneurship , innovation , start-up decisions , networking to entrepreneurship , hydroelectric schemes