Operations Research on Hospital Admission Systems: a first overview of the 2005-2014 decade

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IOP Publishing
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The main characteristics of researches on Operations Research (OR) applied to Hospital Admission Systems (HAS) are described and analysed, not only in order to determine the interest of this topic and its evolution over the last decade, but also to improve our understanding on this issue. A database with information on this theme was built, considering relevant publications in OR applied to HAS, within the 2005–2014 period. The information contained in those works was catalogued in accordance with specific key elements previously chosen. Additionally, the developments on application of OR technics to HAS in the last decade are evaluated, observing what has been done, describing the related applications and procedures, and their practical implementation. The result is a review, providing a new insight on the recent enhancements of OR technics applied to HAS and trying to outline other pathways for the near future.
Hospital Admission Systems , Operations Research
Teixeira, A., and M. J. F. De Oliveira. "Operations Research on Hospital Admission Systems: a first overview of the 2005-2014 decade." Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 616. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2015.